
Victora Zheng Zheng থেকে Buscot, Faringdon, Oxfordshire SN7, UK থেকে Buscot, Faringdon, Oxfordshire SN7, UK

পাঠক Victora Zheng Zheng থেকে Buscot, Faringdon, Oxfordshire SN7, UK

Victora Zheng Zheng থেকে Buscot, Faringdon, Oxfordshire SN7, UK


This book is part of a series on Julius Caesar so of course my ancient Rome fetish would NOT allow me to not read it. The focus here is one the later years of Caesar after the campaigns in Gaul and during the struggle with Pompey for control of the Senate and people. The book is excellent at drawing the relationships between the main characters-Caesar, Pompey, Mark Antony, Brutus, et al-and showing the political intrigues of same. The worst part for me was the romance-novel bodice-ripping stuff between Caesar and Cleopatra: some of the descriptions seemed better suited for Cosmo than a serious historical novel. Nonetheless the author redeemed himself from fluffyness and I overall enjoyed the work.


I really did not care for the plot of this book, however, it was so well written. There were so many interesting vinettes in this story. Like the time the sociology teacher was going into a club and was dreading to find out what student was going to sit down next to her. I thought that was so funny. Or her descriptions of different sections of London; I loved her detail.