Jo থেকে Staro Nagorichane, Macedonia (FYROM)
I found lots of interesting thoughts and facts that made me reconsider my perception of democracy. Would read it again later.
Exciting, emotionally moving book about a mountain climber in Pakistan who after his rescue and seeing how poor the community that helped him is, commits to building a school for them, which snowballs into a life of service to that area of the world. He focuses on building schools for girls before, during and after the 9/11 era, and despite U.S. doing everything in its power to destroy the area. The writing by the co-author is journalistic in style. Some have criticized the author as writing to worshipfully about Mortensen, but I found that reading between the lines he also made it clear that Mortensen was quite imperfect. I learned many things I didn't know about the complex history and the many cultures of the area.