
Iclal Engin Engin থেকে インド 〒752030 オリッサ ビリパダー থেকে インド 〒752030 オリッサ ビリパダー

পাঠক Iclal Engin Engin থেকে インド 〒752030 オリッサ ビリパダー

Iclal Engin Engin থেকে インド 〒752030 オリッサ ビリパダー


I am currently reading this right now, and I cant believe for the life of me that Bella is pregnant...how could that happen! I actually this twist in the story, because I dont want her to become a vampire anymore. I just finished the book and I have to say that I am really dissapointed, I mean the writing wasnt bad at all, but this isnt the course that I wanted bella to take. I think that the whole pregangcy thing turned me off. I wanted her to be young and human a little longer. Maybe if I reread it later on i will feel differently.