
Sigita Pociute Pociute থেকে Nuea Mueang, Mueang Roi Et District, Roi Et, Thailand থেকে Nuea Mueang, Mueang Roi Et District, Roi Et, Thailand

পাঠক Sigita Pociute Pociute থেকে Nuea Mueang, Mueang Roi Et District, Roi Et, Thailand

Sigita Pociute Pociute থেকে Nuea Mueang, Mueang Roi Et District, Roi Et, Thailand


আমি এইটি আমার বই ক্লাবের জন্য গত বছর পড়েছিলাম ... এটি চমত্কার হওয়ার কারণে এটি অবাক করে শুনেনি। আমি ফ্রান্সির চরিত্রটি পছন্দ করতাম, তবে সত্যিই অন্য কোনও চরিত্রে প্রবেশ করিনি; আমার চোখে আবেগের দিক থেকে সব কিছু বেশ দুর্বল। আমি যদিও পড়তে উপভোগ করেছি।


Must also read..


a very very moving story... movie turned out very well also - Gwyneth Paltrow does a nice job as the title character :)


Let me preface this review by saying that I love the Percy Jackson and the Olympian Series. I recommend it to kids all the time, and have read the first four books. I did not like this little addition. I have to admit I was mightily turned off by the little Disney logo next to the Hyperion imprint. Intellectual snob? Little ole me? Maybe the Disney thing wouldn't have left such an impression had the pictures included with the text not resembled so many a Disney character. Did Chiron have to look like Gaston from Beauty and the Beast? Annabeth looks ready for stores shelves as "Tomboy Skipper" (With New Adventures Included!). The stories themselves seemed a bit forced to me. The only thing I really liked about the book was the last segment teasing the reader with a preview of the final book. Riordan's voice seemed more like his own to me there than in the other shorts. Those felt as though he was trying to cram as much action as possible with no storyline to back them up. I had high hopes for this little ditty, but I was let down by what seemed like a gratuitous, money-making ploy.