
Beans UI Goods UI Goods থেকে Karacagür Köyü, 59300 Karacagür Köyü/Malkara/Tekirdağ, Turkey থেকে Karacagür Köyü, 59300 Karacagür Köyü/Malkara/Tekirdağ, Turkey

পাঠক Beans UI Goods UI Goods থেকে Karacagür Köyü, 59300 Karacagür Köyü/Malkara/Tekirdağ, Turkey

Beans UI Goods UI Goods থেকে Karacagür Köyü, 59300 Karacagür Köyü/Malkara/Tekirdağ, Turkey


চেষ্টা করে দেখেছি, itুকতে পারিনি কেবল। একজন কবির মতো শোনা যাচ্ছিল যে সাংবাদিক হিসাবে কাজ করে শেষের চেষ্টা করছিল। হতে পারে আমি এটির জন্য অন্য সময়ে একটি ক্র্যাক নেব, তবে আপাতত আমি খুব হতাশ ছিলাম।


** spoiler alert ** The hero is a prince, the heroine was his housekeeper living with him to pay her way through college. When she wasn't picking up after him she spent all her time studying. Despite this they became friends. She was in love with him but she wasn't beautiful and he only dated supermodels. One day they almost fall into bed together but she calls a halt to it and reminds him that he told her if he found her in his bed he'd fire her. Before she can leave he tells her that if he found her naked in his bed he wouldn't fire her. The heroine debates the issue in her head and decides she should take a chance so she climbs naked into his bed to let him know that she's okay with going further. But of course, the hero comes back with a super hot model for some hot sex. The hero is totally in love with the hot model and marries her. The heroine does not go to the wedding because she's just his housekeeper, her words. Enter years later and the heroine is a nanny who gets hired to look after the children of a prince. She's already fallen in love with the children like she never has with any of the others. Meanwhile the dad is really the hero out of disguise. He hunted her down because she was super domesticated, not beautiful and basically the complete opposite of his wife. Turns out the wife didn't like him, shock, but just wanted to marry him because she knew he was a prince. So hero uses children and convinces her to marry him. She agrees because she loves him and loves the children and HEA. No really. Not a lot else happened. And that's why this book sucked so much. He basically was using her as a stop gap inbetween women, led her on a bit to think he really wanted her and then found someone else that he loved and cared for so much more. The heroine was his fall back. He only wanted her because she fit his requirements. She was everything opposite of his ex/deceased wife so it was a perfect arrangement. And the heroine loves him and his wonderful children and wants a family so just agrees with it. I'm supposed to believe that he loved her? That he loved her all along? Gag me with a spork. If that's love I don't want any part of it. So he loved the heroine, and he didn't love the other woman, but he ignored the heroine when she was all set to start a relationship, didn't even think about trying to have a relationship with her, was so much more into the other woman that he believed he loved her until she turned out to be a horrible person. Did he love the heroine, no. He loved the idea that she represented. This is the worst book in the set, but reading this book first made me like the second book so much more than it probably deserved.