
Erfan Afifi Afifi থেকে Al Musallamiyah, Sudan থেকে Al Musallamiyah, Sudan

পাঠক Erfan Afifi Afifi থেকে Al Musallamiyah, Sudan

Erfan Afifi Afifi থেকে Al Musallamiyah, Sudan


I bought the book for two reasons: 1. When I was eight, I used to check out Krementz's A Very Young Dancer from the Roanoke Public Library every few weeks. I loved that book, and I love it still. So nostalgia is to blame for this purchase. 2. I thought that there would be a more complete picture of the process of auditioning for a role up to the performance, and that I could share that information with my theater students. I forgot that the series is written for eight-year-olds. p.s. I'm totally counting it toward my goal of 75 in 2011, and I don't feel bad about that.


Dostoevsky called it the second greatest book ever written: the first being The Bible. I'll leave it at that.