
Bruna Cerasi Cerasi থেকে Rosales Municipality, Chihuahua, Mexico থেকে Rosales Municipality, Chihuahua, Mexico

পাঠক Bruna Cerasi Cerasi থেকে Rosales Municipality, Chihuahua, Mexico

Bruna Cerasi Cerasi থেকে Rosales Municipality, Chihuahua, Mexico


I remember why this book was required reading in high school. Thought provoking and insightful. It was interesting to reread it so many years later and feel how differently I responded to the book.


تتميز الرواية بفكرتهاالابداعية ...فالكاتب مغرم بشخصية سعيد النورسي الذي توفي سنة 1960 ومن شدة اعجابه به يقرر السفر الى تركيا للبحث عنه ... وعند المرور ببعض الاماكن التي عاش فيها النورسي او حدث له فيها حدث مهم يتجلى له النورسي ويبدا بسرد له حكايته ثم يختفي عندما يقاطعه الكاتب ...فيبدا من جديد البحث عن اماكن اخرى للنورسي وياخذ ينتظر ظهوره الايام الطويلة ليظهر له ويكمل له الحكاية....الرواية تتميز باسلوب ادبي بليغ ورائع ..الا ان هنالك كانت مبالغة بوصف بوصف عبادات وكرامات النورسي


This is a great book but after a while even Keouac's adventures start to repeat themselves. While I love the story I have to admit that there were times when my mind would wander. Still there are short bursts of writing where Kerouac is brilliant. All in all I highly recomend this book but would suggest reading it in spurts for maximum enjoyment.


While this story was interesting enough to keep my attention until I finished the book, I do not care too much for Jenkins's style of writing; I find it rather pedestrian. He did a fair job of developing the characters while telling a story that was true-to-life, even though at times I was frustrated by the starkness of one of the main character's old-fashionedness - and I thought I was old-fashioned. I say that the story was true-to-life, and I think that is true until the last several chapters. I will not give the ending away, but the way the story was going I guessed the "big ending" and was still surprised because when I suspicioned the ending, I thought to myself, "No, surely that is too ridiculous," but apparently it was not for Jenkins. If I say anymore I will give too much away for those who might read this and actually be intrigued enough to read the book. I will just say that this book is a lot like a Hallmark or Lifetime movie, so if you like those, you will probably enjoy Riven.


Loved this one two.