
Vitor Dias Dias থেকে Tanoboase, Ghana থেকে Tanoboase, Ghana

পাঠক Vitor Dias Dias থেকে Tanoboase, Ghana

Vitor Dias Dias থেকে Tanoboase, Ghana


No fair. You can't just describe stuff and feelings. Something has to HAPPEN.


I read this book after seeing Oprah's special on the Frey and have to admit, he was engaging, interesting, and the rediculous amount of praise garnered from Oprah sold me on the book. It was an interesting read, fast paced, witty, but all in all overly melodramatic. Then the whole "James Frey is a liar" episode struck the popular press and I have to say that the my opinion of the book didn't change that much. It was still fast paced, witty and still overly melodramatic. My opinion of the author on the other hand changed drastically. I will probably never read another Frey book again.


I'm such a research sponge. I love cases and studies and experiment and facts. LOVED this book! I've devoured it... read it over and over... and talked to everyone who would listen about it! (Sorry Mom, Sean and Steph! Anyway... are you curious how a small thing like a Cabbage Patch doll can cause an outright epidemic? Or why the common cold passes through communities without stopping? Why when one person yawns, does another, then another? What makes things TIP? Read, read, read, read, read this book! It's hard for me to even choose which epidemic I enjoyed learning about most... New York City crime rates dropping in the mid-nineties? What makes Blues Clues such a good children's television show? What made Paul Revere's ride so famous? (Someone else set out at the same time as Revere with the same message... do you know his name?) The author studies fashion trends, teenage smoking, sweepstakes, and more. So, there's something for everyone! I learned so much about what would make a business succeed or fail,(good to know!) about what shows my kids should and shouldn't be watching on TV, about why Hush Puppies almost went out of business. The message? "One imaginative person applying a well-placed lever can move the world." So, look out world... here I come!