
Max Zoccarato Zoccarato থেকে 37111 Palacinos, Salamanca, Spain থেকে 37111 Palacinos, Salamanca, Spain

পাঠক Max Zoccarato Zoccarato থেকে 37111 Palacinos, Salamanca, Spain

Max Zoccarato Zoccarato থেকে 37111 Palacinos, Salamanca, Spain


Similar to 1984 in many ways, but rooted in reality. And thus all the more horrifying. This is not my favorite Malamud novel, but he is a brilliant novelist. I highly recommend reading him. The subject of this novel can be crushing if you need an uplifting read. Read it if you can handle it.


Perhaps my favorite book of all time (tied with The Long Walk). Maybe I should reread it. Seriously though, great character development and a really honest portrayal of gender identity exploration. Also a book that made me cry at the end.


As a toddler my nephew took great delight in viewing the pictures of the trucks he was easily able to identify during car rides.