
Rebecca DeNell DeNell থেকে Wappinger, NY, USA থেকে Wappinger, NY, USA

পাঠক Rebecca DeNell DeNell থেকে Wappinger, NY, USA

Rebecca DeNell DeNell থেকে Wappinger, NY, USA


It's funny to me that I'm currently reading this book for the third time, and I know what's going to happen, and still - I cannot put it down. It takes a while to get rolling, but once the plot starts moving it's almost impossible to stop. Last night alone I read almost 100 pages of it. Her writing, while not targeted towards my demographic it compelling and exciting and her characterization - well I truly believe that somewhere there's a Ron, Hermione and a Harry. It makes me terribly excited, and yet terribly sad for the last book which should arrive on my doorstep in a few weeks.