
Micha থেকে La Lucha, Nicaragua থেকে La Lucha, Nicaragua

পাঠক Micha থেকে La Lucha, Nicaragua

Micha থেকে La Lucha, Nicaragua


I must admit when I first started this book I was not engaged; the beginning was a bit too "difficult terminology" and "space alien" for me. However, by page 12, not far into the book, I saw the tide turning & things changing for the better. The book takes on a sad-but-true turn as Ketchvar III begins life as Tom. Klass paints the story realistically while not losing sight of the need for some humor tossed in. As with many good teen / pre-teen novels, the story ends with a positive twist allowing for hope -- even those bullied beyond their strength.


Not her best. Gets points for originality in terms how how the story is told (letters back and forth) but if you're into that then read Happenstance instead which is better.