
Fabrizia De Caro De Caro থেকে 84020 Castelnuovo di Conza SA, Italy থেকে 84020 Castelnuovo di Conza SA, Italy

পাঠক Fabrizia De Caro De Caro থেকে 84020 Castelnuovo di Conza SA, Italy

Fabrizia De Caro De Caro থেকে 84020 Castelnuovo di Conza SA, Italy


It's been a few days since I last read a book... I must admit I got sidetrack with my life. Anyway I picked up this book because I saw a funny quote from it while I was browsing for information pertaining a paper for a class and I decided to read it. I must say It was an extremely wonderful book, I usually grade 4 stars to all the books because even if I don't really like them, they took hard work and dedication from a lot of people and that must count for something... This book tells a story of so many things, of good and evil, of fathers and sons, of family, of friends, of relationships, of love, of Hope... it tells the story of Louis and Ginna, a Fallen angel, The Devil and a mortal, a Catholic mortal... it tells a beautiful story, but like it's written in it´s pages the beauty is in the whole, the lack of happiness it's whats wondrous. This book is extremely worth reading, an excelent choice... There are books you read because you want to be part of a story and there are books that you read because they make you feel or they make you think. I loved this book because it made me feel and it made me cry... then again maybe it was just me, who knows. I just anguish over the lack of epilogue epilogue >:]