Olena Beloous Beloous থেকে Mungkajang, Palopo City, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Forgot all about this until I came across it secondhand and picked it up on a whim. It wasn't until I came to write my notes that I saw I had borrowed it as an audio book once from the library but someone had swapped the discs for blanks. For some reason I thought this series of books was a "cozy" series. I was obviously mixing it up with something else because this is in no way a cozy. It's part humour, part mystery, part thriller and bowled along until suddenly I had read the entire book when I should have been gardening. I am guessing that some of the characters will appear throughout the series and I look forward to getting to know them. I'm going to read them in order (but not all at once) and already have the next few lined up.