
Chuck Anderson Anderson থেকে Thayarwaddy, Myanmar (Burma) থেকে Thayarwaddy, Myanmar (Burma)

পাঠক Chuck Anderson Anderson থেকে Thayarwaddy, Myanmar (Burma)

Chuck Anderson Anderson থেকে Thayarwaddy, Myanmar (Burma)


Not your standard vampire thriller. The vamps (virals or smokes here) are truly scary, the characters are real, well-drawn people who the reader comes to care about, and the setting is realistic and plausible. In interviews, the author has said that he wanted to travel everywhere his characters go. This research brings verisimilitude to the journeys of the characters. I started reading this at a furious pace, but slowed down as I got further in. I wanted to travel with these people and feel their heroism and their grief. I'm glad I took the trip.