
থেকে Mazinghem, France থেকে Mazinghem, France

পাঠক থেকে Mazinghem, France

থেকে Mazinghem, France


Amazing, dark, sad, heart-warming. Some of the book was slow, interjected with a few exciting parts. The climax of the book was in the middle and I thought where is she going to take us from here? But it decelerated as smoothly as it climaxed and all the loose ends were tied beautifully at the end. The writing was just superb. She took adult themes and softened them through the eyes of a 5 year old boy. As this 5 year old boy experiences the outside world for the first time, he notices and appreciates things that we take for granted. I loved those parts. He sees life differently than we would. The book celebrates freedom, the strength of a human soul and that we truly need company even if its just a mouse or a spider.