
Virginie Dutreuil Dutreuil থেকে Dhanuki, Bihar 841220, India থেকে Dhanuki, Bihar 841220, India

পাঠক Virginie Dutreuil Dutreuil থেকে Dhanuki, Bihar 841220, India

Virginie Dutreuil Dutreuil থেকে Dhanuki, Bihar 841220, India


আমি এই বইয়ের কভারটি সত্যই পছন্দ করেছি এবং আমি কভারটি পেয়েছি ... এটি আকর্ষণীয় হতে পারে। ছেলে .... আমি কি ভুল ছিলাম! আমি সত্যিই প্লটটি বুঝতে পারি নি ... আমি নিশ্চিত না যে এটির আসলে একটি ছিল? খুব হতাশ ছিল। এবং কেবলমাত্র আমি এটিকে দুটি তারা দিয়েছি কারণ আমি প্রচ্ছদটি পছন্দ করেছিলাম! ;)


I read much of this book in a tree. There was a pressed flower inside as well, a gift from a past reader, and it was completely appropriate. Sparse, sparse. So much of this book is description of the forest, and the musings on colors and sounds that come out of it hit the right note for me. Forests did pop up. I think the tree helped. Bambi's life goes quickly, and it's hard to remember outstanding characters, since they show up so rarely. But part of the point is that we follow Bambi, and only bambi, constantly surprised at how the forest changes, and how the friends inside it become older and, if not wiser, at least different. Salten's done his best to make you feel every one of Bambi's discoveries as new, astoundingly new, and I was caught up in it. This book is secretly philosophy, as so many are, and I found myself agreeing with it, at least for now, though I won't say anything more. A very useful book, for my place. You may not enjoy some of the social satire (though if you do enjoy social satire, check out Winnie the Pooh, it's gorgeously done), but for anyone who wants to take a day to grow up again, this is perfect.