
Jean Hansen Hansen থেকে Staffin, Portree, Highland IV51 9QE, UK থেকে Staffin, Portree, Highland IV51 9QE, UK

পাঠক Jean Hansen Hansen থেকে Staffin, Portree, Highland IV51 9QE, UK

Jean Hansen Hansen থেকে Staffin, Portree, Highland IV51 9QE, UK


Wondering what is happening in the world and why? The WAKING GOD TRILOGY just may have some answers. This is the second book and many have said it is even more fast paced and eye-opening than the first!


Good plot. I did not think the author made a good ending because I did not enjoy that part. It is a little scary and upsetting. But all characters are well developed throughout the novel. The storyline is realistic but takes a turn. Okay read