
Andr থেকে Conceição das Pedras - MG, Brazil থেকে Conceição das Pedras - MG, Brazil

পাঠক Andr থেকে Conceição das Pedras - MG, Brazil

Andr থেকে Conceição das Pedras - MG, Brazil


Such a fantasitc jigsaw puzzle read. I believe I read a synopsis somewhere that tagged it as "noir". I'm not sure what the word "noir" encompasses but when i say that word and think of this book they go hand in hand like peanut butter and jelly


A love story that takes place throughout time. Meaning the husband time travels, and visits his wife throughout her life. Brings up some of the same questions about time travel that Lost has been recently.


This book was the perfect ending to the series!!! I got so worked up and stressed over the book and what was happening to Harry!