
Dragos Ionescu Ionescu থেকে Josyana, Uttarakhand, Індія থেকে Josyana, Uttarakhand, Індія

পাঠক Dragos Ionescu Ionescu থেকে Josyana, Uttarakhand, Індія

Dragos Ionescu Ionescu থেকে Josyana, Uttarakhand, Індія


For some reason (coughjamesfreycough) I expected to be put off by a fictional memoir, even one incorporating the inestimable literary hipster guru genius of Mr. Eggers. This was not to be the case. In brief: Plenty of educational value re: (2nd) Sudanese civil war; enough pointless bloodshed and emotional anguish to fell a good-sized elephant; surprisingly few McSweenish flourishes, which ought mollify ye haters of hip; and a mere smidgen of hope, applied sparingly, so's you don't eye that bedside bottle of Darvon as a tempting last-page chaser. Recommended to: previous Eggers initiates, lazy students of African geopolitics, and those desiring haemophilic hearts.