
Jesus Ara Ara থেকে Purthi, Himachal Pradesh 176323, India থেকে Purthi, Himachal Pradesh 176323, India

পাঠক Jesus Ara Ara থেকে Purthi, Himachal Pradesh 176323, India

Jesus Ara Ara থেকে Purthi, Himachal Pradesh 176323, India


এখন পর্যন্ত ভাল বই। বাইবেল ভিত্তিক এই বিষয়ে শীর্ষস্থানীয় কর্তৃপক্ষের একজনের কাছ থেকে অভিভাবকত্বের পরামর্শ। অবশ্যই একটি শক্ত বই।


it was the best book i ever read


** spoiler alert ** I wanted to see if Stephanie Meyer was any better at writing adult sci-fi. Apparently not. I got as far as the part where Melanie is just meeting Jared and she's all ready to get it on but he's all "Sorry I know we're like the last man and woman left on earth that haven't been taken over by aliens yet, but you're only 17 and I'm 25 so we can't have sex...besides, we don't have any birth control because of the end of the world and all". Okay, and I know Stephanie Meyer is like a Mormon or something and is trying to send a message to people about sex before marriage, like she did with Twilight. And I totally respect that and her view on the matter, because that view happens to reflect my own. HOWEVER, if you are going to be writing a novel in which romance happens to play a huge part, you really need to handle the topic better than that. Part of the reason why I really didn't like the Twilight books was because the characters constantly made stupid, unrealistic decisions, and most of their thought processes and motivations really made no sense. Like Edward's whole "I'm not going to turn you into a vampire, even though I really have no good reason for that decision other than something about a soul". That felt to me like it was just a device the author used because she wanted to be able to write more books and milk the series for all it was worth. When I got to the above-mentioned part of The Host, I had a flashback to similar aspects of the Twilight series, and I really didn't want to go down that road again. Overall, I think Stephanie Meyer has some good ideas for stories, but a good story is nothing without good characters. All of her characterizations so far seem very flat and contrived. They are soulless and seem to exist only for the purpose of moving her plots along. That may be okay for some people who aren't too picky about what they read, but it doesn't work for me at all.