Agata Yamashiro Yamashiro থেকে Douar Beni Boulehbab, Morocco
At least this one had resolution, unlike IN THE WOODS, which frustated me no end. This book is set in Dublin with wonderful detail on how the lower classes live.
Very unusual fantasy time and place, beautifully written wih gorgeous locals and devious charachters and fine upstanding MCs. A word of caution for those who want their monogamous relationships, there is a three way. Not sure where it will lead in the next book. A great deal of trust is built up among the MCs as a great amount of political/religious upheaval is caused by the "finding" of a technology that threatens the existing power structure. I eagerly await the sequel...or will it take a trilogy?
a period of time, I tried to read all books of this Author, then I enjoyed all my time with his writings.