
Emily Hendricks Hendricks থেকে Kızık Mahallesi, Kızık Mahallesi, 06750 Akyurt/Ankara, Turkey থেকে Kızık Mahallesi, Kızık Mahallesi, 06750 Akyurt/Ankara, Turkey

পাঠক Emily Hendricks Hendricks থেকে Kızık Mahallesi, Kızık Mahallesi, 06750 Akyurt/Ankara, Turkey

Emily Hendricks Hendricks থেকে Kızık Mahallesi, Kızık Mahallesi, 06750 Akyurt/Ankara, Turkey


This book is full of interesting stories and tidbits of research about friendship. I enjoyed it very much. There were some thought provoking quotes - one especially that has generated a lot of conversation among my own friends. Researchers say that groups of friends such as the Ames girls - those born in the last sixty years or so - often have a greater appreciation of the possibilities of friendships than their mothers and grandmothers did, and a much more powerful bond than most men. The reason: They reached maturity in the era when feminism was blooming. So they naturally assumed they could build sisterly bonds with friends that would feel vital and important, mirroring or contributing to the changes in society. Their mothers and grandmothers all had close, loving friends, of course, but those older women didn't have the revolution of feminism to give their connections purpose and worth. What do you think?