Audrey Dufour Dufour থেকে Puerto Rico, Saipan 96950, नार्दर्न मैरियाना आइलैंड्स
** spoiler alert ** I started reading this book for school project over banned books. We were told to pick a book that was challenged or banned in libraries in the United States and My Sisters Keeper was one of them. I was hesitant to read the book for the fact that I didn't want to read a book that had a child going through leukemia. Once I started it though I came to realize how beautifully written and intriguing the story turned out to be. I was rooting for Anna the whole way and believed that she deserved to be medically emancipated from her parents. That being said I was shocked, saddened, and horrified by the ending. I did not agree with Jodi Picoult's way of ending this tragic tale of a 13 year-old girl who just wanted to live for herself. Anna's brain damage and ultimate death was a disgustingly horrible ending and that's why I'm giving this book 3 stars instead of the 5 stars I was originally planned on giving it. Many have argued on how the ending went for the movie but all I have to say is that if in the movie Anna doesn't die a tragic and heart wrenching death that she did in the book, then the movie's ending was the best.