Rockfeller F F থেকে Dhammasa, Myanmar (Burma)
2005 সালে পড়া
আমি বহুমুখী মুরগির প্রতি আমার ভালবাসার জন্য ভয় পেয়ে এই এবং সমান অংশগুলি পড়তে পেরে আমি খুব উত্সাহিত, এখন লাল মাংসের সাথে আমার ভালবাসার সম্পর্ক শেষ হয়ে গেছে।
This is the only Goosebumps book that I have yet given this many stars. It was good to see Billy and Sheena again, of course, in contrast to most of the other Horrorland books that introduce new characters with the same bad guys (not a bad concept, just different). What really gave this book it's high marks for me, though, was the Horrorland addendum. This is some of the best, scariest material that I have ever seen from R.L. Stine in his Goosebumps series', and it actually gave me Goosebumps. Really. Kudos to R.L. Stine on an incredible effort.