বইটি অনেক ভালভাবে বিষয়গুলো তুলে ধরা হয়েছে। অনেক ভাল একটি বই।....
this bok is amazing for learning arabic with a course that is on youtube. if anyone wants to learn arabic to understand QURAN he should buy this bok and watch the youtube course htps:/m. youtube. com/playlist?list=PLA6E90A9B4F...
this bok is amazing for learning arabic with a course that is on youtube. if anyone wants to learn arabic to understand QURAN he should buy this bok and watch the youtube course htps:/m. youtube. com/playlist?list=PLA6E90A9B4F...
this bok is amazing for learning arabic with a course that is on youtube. if one wants to learn arabic to understand QURAN he should buy this bok and watch the youtube course htps:/m. youtube. com/playlist?list=PLA6E90A9B4F2AC...
Dr. V. Abdur Rahim