Ahle Hadeeth Movement What & Why? পিডিএফ ডাউনলোড করুন

Ahle Hadeeth Movement What & Why? পিডিএফ বিনামূল্যে ডাউনলোড করুন

Contents* Introduction to 1st English publication* The Identity of Ahle hadeth* Ahle Sunat wal-Jama'at* Which one is the Naji group* The outward signs of Ahle hadeth* Ahle hadeth and ahlur Rai* Taqled-i-Shakhso* The shortcut of inference acording to the* shortcut.

Ahle Hadeeth Movement What & Why? পিডিএফ ফ্রি ডাউনলোড বা অনলাইন পড়ুন

  • লেখক:
  • প্রকাশক: Hadis Foundation Bangladesh
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  • ভাষা: English
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Ahle Hadeeth Movement What & Why?


4.5 stars. This had a lot of the mystery/intrigue of the other Lord John stories as well as the excitement of the Outlander novels. There are some good notes from Diana in the beginning, which, if you've not read Lord John before, will help you place where you're at in time. As any Outlander fan knows, where you are at in time is pretty important! In this case, she notes that, if you've read through Voyager in the Outlander series, you will not be confused by any of the Lord John novels. You can also read this particular novel and not have necessarily read the other Lord John stories if you're inclined to read more about Jamie. However, and I've said this before, many of the events in An Echo In the Bone will make much more sense to you if you've read the Lord John books and that is true of this book, as well. You can read it as a standalone, but oh, the story is much richer if you read them all! That said, this review assumes you've read Outlander, Dragonfly in Amber, and Voyager, so if you haven't, there might be spoilers. There were notes about characters we'll meet in the future (meaning the time that takes place after this book does), which was pretty cool (people like the naturalist they meet in Jamaica). The chronology of when this novel occurs is after Jamie has been at Helwater for a while and about 15 years after Culloden, but before Claire returns to the past. For anyone who hasn't read the other Lord John stories, the path from Ardsmuir to Jamaica is not a smooth one and John and Jamie's friendship develops in fits and starts. A lot happens both to these men and between them (no, nothing sexual, not that John wouldn't wish that to be true) in the intervening years. If you have read the Lord John books, this goes a long way to explain how the heck they could be friends in a few years when things ended so badly between them in the last story before this one, Lord John and the Haunted Soldier from the collection Lord John And The Hand Of Devils. We're not there, yet, but we're getting closer. By the end of this, they have put some of the past behind them. Also by the end of this? John knows for sure that Jamie is William's father. There is setup for how it is that Isobel could have married John (and why he would marry her). John also knows that Stephan swings his way, at least part of the time (or at least for him personally). Jamie is in a very different position regarding the Jacobite cause at this point, in comparison to his actions around the time Claire returns/the rest of the Outlander saga happens. Of course, because this is Diana Gabaldon, who writes like the best of the serial writers, some questions were answered while others were posed. For instance, will we hear more about the man in the bog in the future? Perhaps. Maybe he'll be someone we've seen before, in the way that the skeleton Claire saw in Boston that came from Haiti was, in fact, Geilie Duncan's (whom she had killed with an ax, or would kill, depending on which time you're referencing!) Also, John seems to gain ability to understand and read Jamie in this story, explaining a bit of how they interact in the future. And there is definitely groundwork laid for why John becomes a spy, but as to exactly how he is drawn into it, that will come in a future story, to be sure. One thing to keep in mind here is that this takes place between April and December of 1760. Claire returned only 5 years later, if I remember correctly (I believe it was 1967-68 when she first went to Roger, but it's been a while, and she'd have gone back 203 years, just as before). Which means that Jamie will only be at Helwater a short time after this. If you recall, his reasons for leaving were that, around the time that William turned 5-6, it became obvious who his biological father was. How it is that he was able to be pardoned and set free (and perhaps a bit of why he may have chosen to be Malcolm Fraser in Edinburgh) are explained a little, as well. I'm thinking that I may actually go back and re-read all the Outlander books before she releases book #8, because looking at them with fresh perspective should be very interesting! Overall, a great read and 100% worth the wait.

2022-10-26 05:35

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