Sense is our beauty. Just be with Deliberate and colect this bok.
বিতর্কে হাতেখড়ি (হার্ডকভার)
For such a highly recommended book I had trouble seeing the big deal at first. Like so many other books, this one started out rather slowly, and didn't seem to apply to my life in any way whatsoever. The anecdotes and examples were interesting, but unmoving. Having finished the book I have a completely different perspective. I do not think that I am a Maven, Connector, or Salesman-although I may have minute qualities in common with them-but I certainly see their use. I feel that I have learned more successful ways to pursue a goal or project, as well as useful thought patterns to attack a problem. Gladwell certainly took a potentially dry subject and presented it well. He also helped make sense of seemingly nonsensical phenomena. I particularly appreciated his reference in the epilogue to this country's epidemic of school shootings-especially since I was already heading that direction. A worthwhile read.
2022-10-01 01:58
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নতুন যারা বিতর্ক শিখতে চায় তাদের সবার মনেই একটি প্রশ্ন ঘুরতে থাকে বই পড়ে কি বিতর্ক শেখা যায়? অবশ্যই না! প্রয়োজন হবে চর্চার। তবে এখানে চর্চার জন্যও চাই কলাকৌশল। জিতে হলে জানতে হবে। জানার জন্য দরকার বই পড়া।শুদ্ধতা আর শান্তি যুক্...