দাস প্রথা ও ইসলাম (পেপারব্যাক)
I am one of the lucky readers that only started the A Song Of Ice And Fire series a few months before this book was released - I cannot imagine how the readers who had to wait many years for this felt. Since it starts as a parallel to A Feast For Crows, it goes on the same pace AFFC - slow. But once again it works, and it builds up to amazing revelations and events. There's a new point of view (which was brilliant of George R. R. Martin to come up with, I am glad we were not done with that part of the story) and a lot more about Winter. Yes, winter is back and coming closer, and it has to be dealt with. It's easy to forget that it's not only the game for the iron throne that's going on here, but there's way worse things to be dealt with. I cannot say how much I am amazed by George R. R. Martin's ability to write such chilling scenes that make your heart race and grab on to the book as if your life depended on it without spoiling - so let's leave it at that. Then again, it's very hard to spoil, because you don't really get a clear picture of what's going on sometimes, and George has made us believe things before that weren't actually true. There's not so much of things getting sorted out on this book, but a lot of things happening and getting you confused and you can tell there were some issues with how the time-line on this would work (I mean, there's a random Jaime chapter in the middle of everything, what else does it do than fitting him in the story time-line and maybe teasing everyone?). I'm glad this beast is out of the way and the next book will only go forward. I guess now we have another three (hopefully not six) years to come up with theories, theories and more theories.
2022-10-26 05:31
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ভূমিকা‘ইসলামের অর্থনীতি’ সম্পর্কেঢাকা বিশ্বিদ্যালয়ের অর্থনীতি বিভাগের তদানীন্তন অধ্যক্ষ‘ডক্টর এম. এন. হুদার অভিমত-ইসলাম সম্বন্ধে আমাদের সর্বশ্রেষ্ঠ দাবি এই যে, ইসলাম শুধুমাত্র আত্নার কল্যাণকামী ধর্মই নয়-ইসলাম গোটা মানুষের দুনি...
বান্দার ইহকালীন জীবন পরিচালনার জন্য আল্লাহ প্রদত্ত পথনির্দেশনাকে শরীয়াত বলা হয়। মানবতার কল্যাণ সাধন আল্লাহর শরীয়তের মৌল উদ্দেশ্য। শরীয়ার আলোচনাকে দুটি অংশে ভাগ করা হয়। একটি ইবাদত অপরটি মোয়ামেলাত।ইবাদত হলো আল্লাহর সাথে বান্দার ...