Islamic Studies -9 (Hardcover) পিডিএফ ডাউনলোড করুন

Islamic Studies -9 (Hardcover) পিডিএফ বিনামূল্যে ডাউনলোড করুন

Islamic Studies -9 (Hardcover) পিডিএফ ফ্রি ডাউনলোড বা অনলাইন পড়ুন

  • লেখক:
  • প্রকাশক: Darussalam (Saudi Arabia)
  • প্রকাশনার তারিখ:
  • আবরণ:
  • ভাষা: English
  • ISBN-10: 9786035000253
  • ISBN-13:
  • মাত্রা:
  • ওজন:
  • বাঁধানো:
  • ক্রম:
  • শ্রেণী:
  • বয়স:
  • লেখক:
  • মূল্য:

বই পর্যালোচনা

Islamic Studies -9 (Hardcover)


Well-written history of the colorful, corrupt, amusing, hard life, complex building of early WA state communities, including competition between Seattle and Everett. Compelling description of the struggles between skilled labor unions, the Wobblies, and the imperialist timber barons and mill owners who pitted the two against each other in order to control workers. Rich descriptions of individuals heavily involved and their own motivations, as well as the fierce battles that led to a shameful massacre of Wobblies by good town folk in Everett, WA. Also explains how the aftermath of this stage in labor organizing led to employee sabotage efforts on the part of the skilled locals, which led to the federal government forcing middle class unions on private sector industries. WWI needed fighting and the US government needed cooperative laborers.

2020-10-13 04:18


Absolutely critical reading for all persons who eat food. I thought that by being a vegetarian who shopped organic I was withdrawing myself from participation in the larger societal evil that is the U.S. food industry until this book proved me wrong. I seriously thought about not eating upon finishing this book. Thank you Cecilia for the best Christmas gift ever! Pollan is a horrifying, edifying, engaging, and funny must read.

2020-10-12 15:45

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Islamic Studies -9 (Hardcover) পিডিএফ ফ্রি ডাউনলোড বা অনলাইন পড়ুন

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