ইউসুফ বিন তাশফিন (হার্ডকভার)
3.5 stars Ariana is the resident good girl at Easton, the prestigious private HS. She finds herself trapped in a snowstorm with the bay boy over winter break, instead of being in Vermont with her perfect boyfriend. She gives in to his advances and finds true happiness in his arms. But someone is stalking them, and she's scared that her infidelity will get back to her friends and boyfriend. Furthermore, they are not allowed to be on campus during break and face expulsion if caught. I am a huge fan of the Privilege series, and I have grown to really like Ariana in those books, rooting for her even as she is killing people left and right. I was excited to finally read this book to get insight into her character and see how it all started. It does a good job of giving the background story, and I was riveted throughout. But I didn't like Ariana at all in this book! I was disgusted at her actions. I also thought the scenarios were a bit over the top, and her reactions were too dramatic. I guess it's hard to sympathize and understand her actions, when only expulsion from school and getting caught cheating on her boyfriend are at stake. Neither will be the end of the world in my opinion. In the Privilege series, it is easier to wish her success when failure meant being thrown back in jail.
2022-10-26 05:36
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