খুশূ-খুযূ (পেপারব্যাক)
This is going to sound strange, but this book has un-grown on me as time has gone on. It's a quiet but pretty story about a young girl who moves to Los Alamos with her father and what happens to her there, on the eve and in the wake of the atomic bomb. Parts of the book are hauntingly beautiful, and very searingly reminiscent of childhood. Also, the setting is masterfully done, with bits of news about the wide world weaving into the little enclave that was Los Alamos. Klage really nails how information comes to teenagers almost through a glass darkly. I also liked what, well, passed for a climactic scene in the novel, which I won't spoil here, but it's original and very tangibly done. But somehow, the quietness of the action has meant that the lasting impression is fading. I perhaps of late have spent more time reading big, fluffy action as opposed to quiet, "oh, matchstick" action, so it's not wearing its shelf-life well? I'm not sure what it was. Perhaps, also, the corners of a younger mind will hold the genuinely moving coming-of-age stuff in higher regard than I do, now. Because I'm so old, see.
2022-10-26 05:33
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