সহজভাষায় মার্কসবাদের মতো জটিল বিষয়কে বিভিন্ন উদাহরণের মাধ্যমে বুঝিয়েছেন বামপন্থী রাজনীতিবিদ হায়দার আকবর খান রণো। প্রচলিত পাঠ্যপুস্তকে ইতিহাসের ক্রমবিকাশ এবং ব্যাখা দেওয়া হয়েছে রাজা,রাজড়ার দৃষ্টিকোণ থেকে। তার বাইরে গিয়ে ইতিহাসের ব্যাখা দিয়েছেন মার্কস এবং ত.
মার্কসবাদের প্রথম পাঠ (হার্ডকভার)
** spoiler alert ** It was pretty good. Patterson left a lot of things hanging, though. Like, who WAS Mr. Chu? We know he was this bad guy who didn't want the CSM to promote their theories about global warming and stuff, and he kindnapped Max's mom, but who was he affiliated with? How did he know about Max and the flock? We never really understand much about Mr. Chu. Plus the story came to a sort-of abrubt ending. Do Total and Akila get married? The adventure can't stop where it did, either. Surely someone else is going to plot against the flock. We don't know what happens in their future. Do they all settle down with Dr. Martinez? What about Max and Fang ('Fax' from now on.)? Do they get married? Have kids? What are their kids like? And are they live births, or eggs? Do they have wings? What about Angel? There is definately something special about her, even more so than her cool abilities. Enough questions and criticism. It was a good book overall, I liked the basic plot line and how Max mouths off to the Navy officials...LOL
2022-10-26 05:34
Man, this book is so cool. It blows my mind just thinking about it. Holy cow. I'm going to go read it again right now, is how much I like it.
2022-10-26 05:33
Connelly writes well, bringing all of his characters to life. He does a good job presenting the inner workings of a defense attorney's thinking. I didn't like the ending much - a bit too over-the-top for me. He focuses a fair amount on Mickey's relationship with his ex-wife, which I found distracting and uninteresting. Still, this was an entertaining read from a great mystery author.
2020-08-24 14:42
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