সূরা ফাতিহার তাফসীর (হার্ডকভার)
Well, we listened to most of this on a recent road trip to the beach (ironically enough). First let me say that I didn't finish the story. I do know how it ended though (I got the husband cliff notes version). I'd like to have known all the details but all he could remember was the end result (a testimony to how bad the audio book was). If I *was* going to rate it I'd give the audiobook 1 1/2 stars. The reader was incredibly bad. You could tell she didn't care about the story most of the time, especially evident in ways in which she would misread lines, indicating she probably had never read it before or didn't pre-read (or maybe again just didn't give a crap at all). For instance she would read flatly "I don't care." Which would then be followed by the phrase 'he said in an extremely angry voice.' Wait... I'm sorry you just read that in the most flat monotone voice ever. Was he angry? Really? Acting classes anyone? Anyone? Bueller...Bueller... So everytime she'd misread a line like that we'd crack up and have to stop the mp3 to slam this poor chick. What the hell was the author and publisher thinking? Then for the story I'd have to give it 3 stars. Not any higher because the story was incredibly predictable. Frustratingly so. My husband said I sounded like certain people in the theatre who yell at the screen what's going to happen and how she better not turn her back on that dead guy. The predictability gave the story 2 stars. But I will say for it's disappointing predictability, that the story itself was intriguing, gaining it one more star. I'm curious about the second book and where she will go with the story. But again, omg it's so predictable that I don't know if I want to read it. Can't I just think about it for five minutes and figure it out? But maybe it will be one of those stories that I read for the heck of it, because it is a neat idea to think about... what would the US be like if Zombies took over? She had a good idea, I'm just afraid there's not much you can do with it. Zombies, grrr arrg...their gonna eat you- run! 'Nuff said. And oh, I should take away a star just for all the beat you over the head metaphors about how we are all like the zombies. And would the main character please shut up about the zombies. I'm tired of hearing her moan about how we are all like the dead, and how we all just have base needs of survival and emotions we can't control. It's a little melodramatic. She couldn't go five minutes without mentioning her mom. And the characters never seemed to do anything to resolve their relationship problems, just her moaning about it in the safety of her own head and second guessing everything and good god I really hate it when authors don't let their characters just deal strait forwardly with each other to solve emotional problems. It's what I call a soap opera plot. And at the point where her brother tries to kill her and then five seconds later when he apologizes she's like "oh it's okay, I understand. Wow look it's almost like we are brother and sister and close again" was enough to make me not want to read the story. Really? Who would act like that? It would have been much more interesting if she had allowed her characters to react more strongly and dealt with the problems between one another. On second thought I revoke a star and give it two stars. God I'm frustrated just thinking about this story. I will not recommend it to anyone in audio form. Maybe it's better in book form... either way. Bleh.
2022-10-26 05:35
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