The Jinn in the Clock (Paperback) পিডিএফ ডাউনলোড করুন

The Jinn in the Clock (Paperback) পিডিএফ বিনামূল্যে ডাউনলোড করুন

The Jinn in the Clock (Paperback) পিডিএফ ফ্রি ডাউনলোড বা অনলাইন পড়ুন

  • লেখক:
  • প্রকাশক: American Trust Publications, U.S.
  • প্রকাশনার তারিখ:
  • আবরণ:
  • ভাষা: English
  • ISBN-10: 9780892590858
  • ISBN-13:
  • মাত্রা:
  • ওজন:
  • বাঁধানো:
  • ক্রম: 1st Edition,1990
  • শ্রেণী:
  • বয়স:
  • লেখক:
  • মূল্য:

বই পর্যালোচনা

The Jinn in the Clock (Paperback)


It took me a while to get around to reading this book. And I'm not going to lie, it's disturbing. I tend to do a lot of my reading on my lunch break and there were many times where I felt queasy and unable to eat while reading it. But it's addictive, I couldn't put it down. The book is about a family of sideshow freaks who own and operate a traveling circus. The main character is Oly, an albino, hunchback dwarf who in her family is considered the least freakish and talented. That right there should give you an idea of what the rest of her family is like. The main problem I had with the book was that the author's writing tended to be overly descriptive for my taste which sometimes distracted me. The other was that it could have been much longer. I would have liked to have known what happened to Miranda and Crystal Lil.

2022-12-11 11:48

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The Jinn in the Clock (Paperback) পিডিএফ ফ্রি ডাউনলোড বা অনলাইন পড়ুন

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