আদর্শ পুরুষ (পেপারব্যাক)
*Review of 2008 6th edition* This is a great, thoroughly detailed overview of the history of the Mesoamerican cultures that occupied what is now Mexico. Backed up entirely by the archeological evidence, the book covers chronologically the very beginnings of human activity in this area and works its way through the myriad cultures that waxed and waned in power and influence over the course of the next few thousand years. It does indeed cover the time span between the "Olmecs and the Aztecs", but it does justice to the unnamed civilizations that came before the Olmecs as well as giving a brief overview of the history after the Aztecs. This is very straightforward in its presentation of the facts, with lots of details about the archeological findings that form the bulk of the information that is presented here, so there's lots about potsherds, ruins, carbon dating, etc. It can be a little slow going at times since there's no real strong narrative thread until you get to later dates, culminating in the final Aztec chapter since that is the most chronicled of all the civilizations (during and after that whole Spanish debacle)---except for the Maya, which is covered in a companion book, also authored by Coe. At times the text was a little confusing in where or when something took place, naming different art or architectural styles, periods or archeological terms that are not always defined or clearly delineated. On the upside, plenty of photographs help illustrate the different styles of art and architecture that is described in the text. An excellent, densely detailed introduction and overview, with lots of pictures and drawings.
2022-10-26 05:36
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মাশাআল্লাহ খুব সুন্দর এবং চমৎকার একটি বই । এই বইয়ে লেখক খুব সুন্দরভাবে একজন আদর্শ নারীর স্বরুপ তুলে ধরেছেন।আমাদের সমাজে নারীরা সবসমই অবহেলিত এবং নির্যাতিত। তারা তাদের অধিকার আদায়ের নামে যে প্রহসণের শিকার হচেছ তা তারা বুজতেই পা...