নির্বাচিত প্রবন্ধ-১ (হার্ডকভার)
Torin McPatrick in 'Supporting the Director’, has almost everything he's ever wanted. Most importantly David Black, a handsome, passionate, creative man to love who happens to have a close, accepting family, which is another thing that Torin has yearned for but has never had. He couldn't be happier. His life and career are all falling wonderfully in place, until the very thing he treasures most is threatened by a maleficent, bigoted source. Torin examines his priorities and realizes that as much as they love each other, he and David can't live in fear, that they must take a stand in order to insure their future safety. I've always liked Torin and have enjoyed watching his character develop from his first appearance in 'Supporting the Actor'. His exuberance and sense of fairness attracted me in that story and my opinion of him has improved with each one. In 'Encouraging the Writer' I loved his style and charm but was wary of his pursuit of David, especially since he was Scott's little brother whom I'd learned to love and respect earlier in the series. However, any doubts I may have had about his motives, were quickly dispelled by the depth of emotion he displayed when faced with the possibility of losing David. Their devotion for each other felt so real that it made my heart ache. One of the sexiest things I can think of is a man who is strong enough to show his emotions. It gets me every time. David is his adorable, creative, surprisingly passionate self. I've also enjoyed seeing his character grow and have developed a great admiration for him as a person. It has been fun to watch him develop from a shy, bored accountant to a secure, impassioned writer, who, with Torin's support, took control of his own destiny. I was happy to see that they have grown as a couple, equals now, combining their strengths and fortifying their weaknesses with love as their guide. 'Supporting the Director' is the last in a delightful cycle, with engaging stories and endearing characters. I am going to miss the Black family and their entourage, especially Anton, Scott's partner, who has inexplicably endeared himself to me with a passion. I am, however, grateful to have had all of these wonderful characters enrich my life with their good looks, passion, charm and personalities. Although I will miss them, I'm certain that Serena has many more tales of love and adventure in that creative brain of hers and that she will continue to keep us entertained for a long time to come. Thanks Serena! NOTE: This book was provided by Total-E-Bound for the purpose of a review on Queer Magazine Online
2020-09-02 15:48
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