প্রচলিত ভুল (হার্ডকভার)
One-word summary? WOW. THE DEMON'S SURRENDER was everything I expected and more (and trust me, I had pretty high expectations after The Demon's Covenant). Sarah Rees Brennan is not afraid of taking her characters to very dark places, which just makes it all the more satisfying when they triumph – a heart-wrenchingly wonderful sort of book. And I was hooked from the very first chapter - my heart was in my mouth so many times and the twisty fast-moving plot (my internal commentary was along the lines of "Could it be? Nah! It is! Nooooo!") kept me reading well into the early hours of the morning. If I could have had anything more in SURRENDER, it would be more POVs (and more Jamie!), but that's really a reflection of the fact I fell in love with the story and the world and just wanted to know EVERYTHING and more. Alan and Nick and Mae and Jamie were as fantastic as they have been in previous books. As for Sin - I admit I had doubts about her as the main narrator initially - I'm not sure why I ever doubted now, she was the perfect narrator and I was cheering her on throughout. SURRENDER is, well, it's action-packed, full of feeling - you laugh and weep with the characters - and I closed the book feeling thoroughly satisfied. And as a bonus, it's set in London. What could be better?
2022-10-26 05:31
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